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2019 GP Artist Fellowship Awards

By Liz Neumark and Tim Berryman
Over 30 years ago we established these Fellowship Awards which has grown from two grants of $1,000 to four grants of $5,000. The various projects encompass musical, theatrical, writing and painting endeavors.
Do you have an idea that you’ve been seeking funding to get off the ground? This is your chance to make it happen! The deadline for submissions is February 22nd, at which point all applications will be sent off to our panel of external judges. The Fellowship Awards will take place at Mae Mae Cafe on the 2nd of April, where four winners will be selected and presented with the grant funds!
All artistic projects will be considered! Past project submissions have included:
Short Films
Music production and recording
Devised Theatre
New Staged Productions
Art Installations
Magazine Publishing
Dance Productions
Education in the Arts
Fashion Design
Creative Writing
Graphic Design
You must have completed a minimum of 400 hours in 2018
You must currently be an hourly employee active on the GP payroll and in good standing with the company.
Previous recipients of a grant may not reapply.
Previous applicants who were not awarded a grant may reapply.
The winners will be those with projects that are feasible to complete with $5,000.
The winners will be those with projects that are feasible to complete by June of 2020.
You should try to include:
Intro to the project
Table of contents
Bio of yourself (and team)
History of your project, or where the idea comes from
Timeline/ project plan moving forward (and past dates if applicable)
A budget of how you will allocate funds
Post project, what happens after it’s finished (where does this project lead to)
Attachments of images/ videos/ samples of the work proposed.
How will this award help you artistically?
How is your project creative and unique?
Is your project viable with the Award alone or will you need to supplement your budget with funds from other sources?
What is your financial need?
Can this project help to further your career?
What is your timeline?
If you have any questions, please feel free to reach out to us at fellowshipawards@greatperformances.com
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