Photographer, Filmmaker & Writer
I am a photographer, filmmaker, and writer and have been using the time during the shutdown to work on a few projects to keep me busy (and sane).
One of those projects was to cover the protests and events throughout the city which occurred immediately after the death of George Floyd. It is clear there is a significant desire to end ongoing injustices in this country like never before, and with my camera I wanted to help document what was occurring for a few reasons. First for the obvious need to preserve the moment and the message it carries, but also to show how diverse this movement really is. These protestors have been from all walks of life and all ages, and I believe that is part of the reason it has had such a significant impact around the country.
On a lighter note, another project I have been working on has been a collection of long exposures and time lapses, including that of certain iconic places around the 5 boroughs which are usually filled with people and now lay empty.
The third project I have been working on a collection of essays I have been writing, on various topics, consisting of anything from politics to short stories to poems.