Try this “Noodle” Kugel made with spaghetti squash, sweet potatoes, pears, honey, and Chinese five spice for Rosh Hashanah...
Try this not-so-basic roast chicken recipe featuring a sweet and savory parsnip, apricot, and apple ragout for Rosh Hashanah...
Try this crisp apple and arugula salad featuring toasted walnuts, lemon, honey, and pomegranate seeds for Rosh Hashanah...
Try this succulent recipe for a Capon with Apricots and Chardonnay in celebration of Rosh Hashanah...
Try this pan dowdy recipe made with Granny Smith apples, honey, walnuts, Medjool dates, bittersweet chocolate, and spices for Rosh Hashanah...