The First 3 Things You Need to Do When Planning Your Wedding
When the shimmering glitter of engagement bliss finally settles, newly-weds-to-be are often left facing the formidable undertaking that is planning a wedding. With guest lists and garments being but a few items on the intimidating agenda which precedes the big day, couples arrive wearily at the inevitable and overwhelming question of “Where do I start?”
We asked Great Performances Wedding Specialist Amanda DiUglio her thoughts on what these fresh fiancés should focus on in the first weeks of the planning process.
#1 Enjoy the time
Between cake tastings, venue tours, and figuring out how to tell your Texan uncle that you’ve asked the DJ not to play any line dances, you’ll find yourself at the altar before you can say “I do”. Amanda insists that taking things slow and trying to enjoy the planning process is imperative, stating, “Don’t rush into everything! The time will go super fast and we want you to live in the moment and celebrate with all the people that you love.”
#2 Hire a planner
Beyond an average get-together, even individuals most inclined to organization might find themselves unprepared to take on such a vast task. “A planner is invaluable in the planning process,” says Amanda. “They’ll help you with all the details. They’re really your rock as you go through all of the contracts and negotiations, and can really be a good person to help lead that charge.”
#3 Start with a venue
You can’t begin a painting without first picking out your canvas, and so too does this apply to planning the perfect wedding. Understanding what’s possible within a space can help you make informed decisions on all other aspects, from where you’ll get dressed to how big the dance floor is. Amanda assures, “Once you find the best wedding venue for you, all the other pieces will fall into place.” She also points out that venues are often, “…associated with caterers and florists, and have a great preferred list,” which can help to jumpstart those next steps.
Check out our wedding gallery below to get some more inspiration for your upcoming nuptials!
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