Get Ready For the 11th Annual Latke Festival!

By The Sylvia Center

It’s almost for the 11th Annual Latke Festival, where guests indulge in a wide variety of creative and delectable latkes from eateries and restaurants all across New York City. Students from The Sylvia Center will create latkes that are representative of their community and use the skills they learned in the kitchen, while adding a healthy twist.
The potato latke is incredibly versatile and fun to experiment with simply by adding different ingredients for taste and texture. Creating a latke that could win the best and most creative is a challenge the students are thrilled to participate in to showcase their skills and celebrate diversity.
All proceeds from the Latke Festival help fund The Sylvia Center programs in New York City, which teach young people real skills in the kitchen that they can use to make healthy choices.
The ultimate celebration of latke takes place on Monday, December 16th, 2019 from 6:00 pm – 8:30 pm at The Brooklyn Museum. The latkes—sweet or savory, healthy or indulgent, classic or innovative—will be enjoyed by more than 700 food enthusiasts, including a curated panel of celebrity judges, partners and press, at one of the most delicious events of the year.
Mark your calendars and get your tickets today!