Covid Reflections from Lauren

By Lauren Tregor

Three years seems impossible, it feels like yesterday.
I remember when we all went home that the whole “world shutting down” seemed so surreal. How could this be happening in our lifetime (we are so progressive)?
So many unknowns in both my personal and professional worlds. Zoomed birthdays, loss of human connections, staying isolated mainly out of my own fears. Not knowing how long we would be apart (family and friends) was definitely stressful for me. So many emotions: anxiety, loneliness…and did I have enough PPE, toilet paper, and cleaning products. I stocked my pantry like I might never see the light of day.
I did enjoy some cooking and experimenting with new ingredients but mostly I did it to keep busy. I had to remember to breathe and take time to take care of myself (still a struggle). As we started coming out the worst of it, I have realized that my friends circle while smaller in scope is stronger, and we definitely watch out for each other. I still Zoom with my sisters twice a month, a routine we started early on since being together was not always easy.
I am still so mindful of public transportation and think about every step along the way (should I go to the supermarket versus getting a delivery? Can I hug this person?). So, my pantry is still full and I have more than enough paper towels, toilet paper, masks for another 12 months!