Covid Reflections from Saundra

By Saundra Thomas
Watch Saundra Thomas read her poem in the video above.
Silver Linings
I quote that I wrote:
2020 made us stronger.
I’ll tell you why from the glint in my mind’s eye, and won’t hold back the good news any longer.
(Again I quote)
We survivors wrestled and tussled and protected the vote
Yet beyond the obvious, I suggest the onslaught of the past year’s awakening, earth shattering
New direction
Dare I say self-reflection and
Lies an opportunity for refining
Let’s bring forth
my defining of the year of the silver lining
No other way to put it
the pandemic led to words unsaid truths untold
which unfold
like a book opening to a new chapter in our country’s troubled yet hopeful history of struggle,
But before you muzzle
hear me out
While I shout:
this has been year of the silver lining
Not only have I heard that expression used more in the past twelve months than anytime in my lifetime
But I find
it curious and I’m serious
when I say through all the muck and mire I witness people getting in touch with their
The year of the silver lining
presented an unprecedented opportunity for some people to dive into life- long dreams
Finding-their place in the sun,
or in the kitchen
a new way of living-given
a new perspective on the reality of life and it’s ticking clock.
So they took stock.
The year of the silver lining
had us come face to face with the undisputed reality of death as part of our collective journey giving us the strength and courage to step outside of fear
at least that’s what I hear
when folks share
that they are looking toward the future in a new way
Taking risks, making moves,
putting fire under themselves
to propel
past 2020 hell
Into what may have seemed like indulgence or a fantasy in 2019.
Or something in between.
You know what I mean?
Some of this is what has brought us here. Here as the pendulum swings back and forth between our emergence out of the darkest of hours and a resurgence of another variant aimed to strip us of our new found power.
This is has been the ultimate test of faith in my 59 years
straddling the line between possibility, hope and a trail of tears
The silver linings taught me
How to walk past the dropping of bodies while simultaneously expressing gratitude for the abundance of blessings and gifts in my life
The silver linings
A year ripe for reinvention and reflection.
Time to contemplate possibility.
Front line workers maybe getting their due. That’s still up to me and you.
In between our own self indulgence of making our own dreams come true
as a people we’ll shine when all boats are lifted and when we get into good trouble and put to good use a troubled year gifted with silver linings. What does all this mean?
I’ll leave it up to you for defining.